Defensible Space Assistance Program

LFSC has been awarded a grant from the California Fire Safe Council to offer a Lassen County-Wide Defensible Space Program.

LFSC’s defensible space program includes no-cost property assessments, homeowner education, and treatment of eligible properties for vulnerable residents (i.e., low-income, disadvantaged, seniors, disabled, or veterans) throughout Lassen County.

If you are interested in the Defensible Space Assistance Program, please fill out the Defensible Space Program Sign up form on our website.

More information to follow!

Defensible Space Award Announcement

Hazard Tree Removal – Janesville

Thank You Lassen Fire Safe Council!

Just a couple photos of some hazard trees they have been removing on Pine Street.

Janesville Elementary School
Paved Pine across from backside of Janesville Elementary.
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